Сцены повешения в художественных фильмах


Well-known member
[QUOTE = "DodoRight, post: 25851, member: 1232"] [MEDIA = youtube] tdJf2DwdV-w [/ MEDIA]

A woman is put in a hanging oeril situation by another woman starting at 1:24:45 [/ QUOTE]


Well-known member

A woman is seen standing barefoot on a melting ice block with a belt acting as a noose. Scenes at 47:27, 48:30 and 52:56.


Well-known member

A woman is put in a hanging oeril situation by another woman starting at 1:24:45
Sorry, this video seems unavailable in french (and russian) locations...
However, thanks a lot for your findings, some of your scenes are new in this thread (and for me).
But, you know, YouTube often removes videos. It's not requirement here, but I think it will be appreciated to gently extract scenes from movies (with free Avidemux or similar video editing software) and upload them to Mediafire or another file storage, providing a shared link here.